Author: Coordinación Editorial

ISEE Bulletin, Mayo 2019

ISEE News in Review. INSEE Journal Call for Contributions EES is a bi-annual peer-reviewed open-access Journal started in 2018. It offers authors a forum to address socio-environmental issues from, across and within the natural and social sciences. It promotes methodological pluralism and inter-disciplinary research. Contributions are invited for the following…


Producción y mercados energéticos 30/04/19

      Latest Energy News 30 April 2019 TOP STORY: RWE cancels 1.1 GW BOAplus lignite-fired power project in Germany German energy group RWE has cancelled plans for the 1,100 MW BOAplus lignite-fired power project at the site of the existing Niederaussem coal-fired power plant in Germany. Indeed, RWE has decided that…


Producción y mercados energéticos 26/04/19

      Latest Energy News 26 April 2019 TOP STORY: Brazil updates terms for October 2019 deepwater oil auction The Brazilian government has published some additional terms regarding the next auction oil blocks under the production sharing regime, scheduled to be held later in 2019. Expected to sell-off a whole oil-producing zone known…


Producción y mercados energéticos 25/04/19

      Latest Energy News 25 April 2019 TOP STORY: China will restrict new coal-fired power projects in 8 regions The Chinese National Energy Administration (NEA) has outlined plans to restrict new coal-fired power projects in eight regions across the country taking effect immediately until 2022 in order to further cut air…


ISEE Bulletin February 2019

      ISEE Bulletin February 2019 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS   Report on Indigenous Participation International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 15th International Congress The David Suzuki Foundation sponsored our first roundtable at the Congress. This contribution includes their summary report, as well as statements by Mexican…


Producción y mercados energéticos 24/04/19

      Latest Energy News 24 April 2019 TOP STORY: KHNP starts up Shin Kori-4 nuclear reactor project (South Korea) South Korean power utility Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) has started up its new Shin Kori-4 nuclear reactor, the fourth unit of the Shin Kori nuclear power plant. The Advanced Pressurized Reactor-1400…


Producción y mercados energéticos 23/04/19

      Latest Energy News 23 April 2019 TOP STORY: US FERC clears Driftwood LNG and Port Arthur LNG export projects The United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has granted authorisations to site, construct and operate two LNG production and export projects, namely Tellurian’s 27.6 Mt/year Driftwood LNG export project…


Producción y mercados energéticos 19/04/19

      Latest Energy News 19 April 2019 TOP STORY: German TSOs submit draft power grid development plan for 2030 The four German power transmission system operators (TSOs), namely Amprion, TenneT, 50Hertz and TransnetBW, have submitted the second version of the future domestic power grid development strategy (Netzentwicklungsplan or NEP 2030) to…


Producción y mercados energéticos 18/04/19

      Latest Energy News 18 April 2019 TOP STORY: US primary energy consumption increased by 4% in 2018 According to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), US primary energy consumption increased by 4% in 2018 and superseded the previous record set in 2007 by 0.3%. The 2018 energy consumption increase…


Producción y mercados energéticos 17/04/19

      Latest Energy News 17 April 2019 TOP STORY: Saudi Aramco acquires 17% stake in South Korean refiner Hyundai Oilbank Saudi Arabian state-run oil group Saudi Aramco has reached an agreement to acquire a 17% stake in the South Korean refiner Hyundai Oilbank for a total consideration of US$1.25bn. Hyundai Oilbank…


Producción y mercados energéticos 11/04/19

      Latest Energy News 11 April 2019 TOP STORY: Renewables could account for 86% of global power generation in 2050 According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy sources (RES) could account for 86% of power generation in 2050. IRENA’s reference scenario foresees electricity to become the central…


Producción y mercados energéticos 29/03/19

      Latest Energy News 29 March 2019 TOP STORY: British CO2 emissions dipped by 2.4% in 2018 as coal use declined According to preliminary statistics released by the British Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United Kingdom declined by 2.5%…



Executive Brief – Driving the Energy Transition  Multiple technologies are at the forefront of the energy transition in transport. We’re all aware of electric vehicles – but is the decarbonization of electricity to power those electric vehicles happening quickly enough? And what about the role of biofuels? In our latest Brief, we examine the progress being…