Enerdata 360° Newsletter — December 2020
Upcoming webinar – Energy and Climate Challenges: closing 2020 and key 2021 issues – 17th & 18th December 2020 – Enerdata and Climate Transparency |
As countries gradually revise their NDCs to target more ambitious emissions reductions, Enerdata and Climate Transparency analyse current mitigation trajectories, and how the current Covid19 pandemic might impact mid- and long-term goals. |
Publication – Renewables Auctions and the Energy Transition |
This analysis covers renewable energy support mechanisms with a look at their evolution and effectiveness and a specific focus on RES auctions. Auctions prices have been going down over the past years, reaching "zero premium" in some cases. Can renewable power generation hold its own against fossil fuels without support? |
Partner publication – Climate Transparency report 2020 |
This annual review analyses G20 countries’ climate action and their transition to a net-zero emissions economy. This year’s report is complemented by an analysis of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and recovery efforts on countries’ climate ambition. As data partner, Enerdata provided key energy statistics up to 2020 and short-term forecasts. Download it here | |
Company news – Study on energy prices, costs, and their impact on industry and households |
As part of its State of the Energy Union report, the European Commission has released its analysis of energy subsidies based on the Study on energy costs, taxes and the impact of government interventions on investments prepared by Enerdata and its partners Trinomics, Cambridge Econometrics, VITO and LBST. |
Company news – Enerdata now offers a licensed access to its POLES-Enerdata model |
The licensed access to POLES offers a significant potential for actors of the energy sector, investors, and international financial institutions, among others, to gain expertise in energy-environment-economy modelling and run their own scenarios. |
Company news – Assessment of the implications of a reinforced EU emissions reduction target on the French Climate ambition |
Enerdata is doing a study for the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition to analyse the impacts, for individual Member States and France especially, of the newly proposed 55% GHG emissions reduction target at the EU level. |
Encyclopedia Article – Bioenergy: biomass supply chains, key elements for their development |
Biomass provides an alternative to fossil fuels even in sectors that are difficult to decarbonise, such as transport. However, its balance sheet depends on the channels and methods used, as land-use change and intensive agriculture can lead to high greenhouse gas emissions. This article reviews biomass technologies and supply chains and their associated constraints. Read the article (in French) |
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