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Policy & Regulatory
Massachusetts (US) doubles its solar support programme to 3.2 GW
17 Apr 2020The state of Massachusetts (United States) has published anemergency regulation with immediate effect to its Solar MassachusettsRenewable Target (SMART) programme. The new regulation doubles the solarcapacity supported by the programme from 1.6 GW to 3.2 GW and mandatesthe addition of energy storage on projects over 500 kW. New applicationswill start on 18 May 2020. Under the programme, solar projects in thestate receive fixed rate payments for the electricity they generatewithin the framework of 10-year agreements.
Read moreUzbekistan lauches a 100 MW wind tender
17 Apr 2020The government of Uzbekistan has launched a tender for a 100MW wind power project in the Qorao’zak district of Karakalpakstanregion. The project be developed with the support of the European Bankfor Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Interested parties can submitan expression of interests by 13 May 2020. The authorities aim atcreating a larger wind project in the area with a total capacity of 300MW, and will launch a second tender for 200 MW soon.
Read moreIndia is considering mandatory hydropower purchases for States
16 Apr 2020The Indian government is considering introducing mandatoryhydropower procurement targets for State distribution companies, whichwould have to meet part of their power requirements with hydropower. Theproposed obligation would be similar to renewable power purchaseagreements (PPAs), with power sourced from hydropower plantscommissioned after March 2019 and that have not signed any PPA so far.This hydropower purchase target would apply until 2030 and is expectedto promote new power projects.
Read moreCompanies
Santos sells a 12.5% stake in the Barossa gas field to JERA (Australia)
17 Apr 2020Australian independent oil and gas producer Santos has signed aletter of intent (LoI) to sell a 12.5% stake in the Barossa gas fieldin northern Australia to JERA, the joint venture between Japanese powerutilities TEPCO and Chubu Electric. The gas field is being developed tosecure gas supply for the 3.7 Mt/year Darwin LNG plant, in which theJapanese JV already owns a 6.1% stake. The transaction between Santosand JERA is conditioned to the completion by Santos of the acquisitionof ConocoPhillips subsidiaries in Northern Australia and in Timor Leste.
Read moreEDF cuts its 2020 nuclear power generation forecast in France by 20%
17 Apr 2020In a context of falling electricity demand (potential declineof 20% compared to usual levels) and a reduced activity level due to theCOVID-19 crisis, EDF has revised downward its nuclear power generationoutlook. French nuclear power generation is now expected to average 300TWh in 2020, down from an initial expectation of 375 – 390 TWh(corresponding to a 20%-23% decrease), and to range between 330 TWh and360 TWh in 2021 and 2022.
Read moreConocoPhillips will reduce its oil ouput by 225 kb/d from May 2020
17 Apr 2020ConocoPhillips plans to reduce its crude oil production by225,000 bbl/d as of May 2020, including 100,000 bbl/d at its Surmont oilsand facility in western Canada and 125,000 bbl/d across 48 US States.Curtailment will be decided on a month-to-month basis, depending onoperating agreements and contractual obligations, until marketconditions improve.
Read moreEnergy & Climate Markets
Nigeria will spend US$517m to improve gas supply to power producers
17 Apr 2020The government of Nigeria plans to spend NGN200bn (US$517m) toensure the supply of gas to the power generation companies (Gencos) inthe context of the coronavirus epidemic. The objective of Nigerianauthorities is to address the indebtedness of Gencos to gas companies.In 2018, more than 80% of Nigeria’s electricity generation came fromnatural gas.
Read moreNew Zealand’s net GHG emissions rose by 57% over 1990-2018
16 Apr 2020According to the Ministry for Environment of New Zealand,gross greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions decreased by 1% in 2018, to reach79 MtCO2eq. The drop in GHG emissions was mainly due to adecline in emissions from the energy sector (-3%), driven by outages atthe Pohokura natural gas field and higher levels of hydro generation(60% in 2018). In 2018, CO2 accounted for 44% of totalemissions, followed by methane (43%, mainly biological methane fromlivestock), nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases (2%).
Read moreInfrastructure & Investments
Gazprom goes ahead with major investment projects in Russia
17 Apr 2020Gazprom has confirmed that the group is still investing inmajor projects, including new gas wells, new compression stations, newgas pipelines, LNG projects and underground gas storages (UGS).
Read moreADNOC terminates US$1.65bn contracts for Dalma gas project (UAE)
17 Apr 2020According to the British oilfield service provider Petrofac,Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has terminated the two contractsworth about US$1.65bn that were awarded to the company in February 2020for the Dalma gas development project in the United Arab Emirates. Aspart of the first US$1.07bn contract, Petrofac was expected to build gasprocessing facilities on Arzanah island, a part of the Ghashaultra-sour gas concession in the Al Dhafra region.
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