Integrada por socios fundadores y por socios nuevos, nuestra asociación promueve la incorporación de jóvenes para fortalecer capacidades hacia el futuro a favor de la sustentabilidad. También contamos con especialistas invitados que participan en algunas actividades sin formar parte de la estructura formal. Los miembros de CeIBA son expertos en la situación del medio ambiente y en la formulación de políticas públicas para la sustentabilidad del desarrollo.
Germán González Dávila
PhD & MS Biologie de populations et évolution, Montpellier II, Biólogo por la UNAM Consultor independienteCoordinador Ejecutivo CeIBABiografía
Biólogo por la UNAM, MC en Ecología Funcional y Evolutiva y PhD en Biología de poblaciones ecología demográfica por Montpellier-II. Experto en gestión de recursos naturales renovables, sistemas de manejo ambiental, cambio climático, interfaz entre conocimientos científicos y formulación de políticas públicas, facilitador, relaciones internacionales, biosfera y resiliencia.
Publicaciones relevantes
González Dávila, G. 2004. Démographie animale et biologie des populations; modélisation et applications à la gestion d’espèces sauvages. Thèse Doctorale (PhD) Université Montpellier II.
González Dávila, G. (to date). Glocalfilia. Bi-weekly editorial column in the journal «La Crónica de Hoy», México.
Currículum Vitae
Mexican, born April 14th 1952; share Belgium nationality
germanglezdavila@aol.com || +52 (1) (81) 8254 9693 || Mexico City 03700
Environmental Management & Reporting
Environmental Analyst specialised in environmental management systems and Lecturer in anthropogenic impacts in the biosphere, with strong expertise in international affairs and negotiations in multicultural contexts. Possesses practical knowledge in environmental policy analysis and strategical planning. Operates with a sharp sense of ecosystems integrity, civil society participation and human rights.
Native Spanish, French bilingual proficiency, and English working proficiency. Core competencies include: Environmental Reporting Project Management Forecasting Policy Instruments Ecological Economics Human Evolution.
Professional Experience
- 2014 to date Consultant on Environmental Management Systems and Environmental Policies
Prepares EMS for public institutions, educational and research centres, and enterprises. Particularly for waste management and climate change accountability and mitigation programmes. Offers lectures on environmental analysis, programming and evaluation, for academies, public officers and congressmen. Participates in international fora for global sustainable development policies and country environmental performance reviews.
As Executive Officer and Editorial Coordinator at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Biodiversity and Environment (CeIBA, A. C., Mexico), prepares proposals for the NGO programme of activities, is in charge of the follow up and observance of the association agreements, and publishes its web page (http://www.ceiba.org.mx), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/CeIBAxSustentabilidad) and twitter (https://twitter.com/CeibaOficial).
- 2010–2014 Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL)
As General Environmental Coordinator, set up of the EMS for the university, in Monterrey City, Nuevo León State, Nord East of Mexico, stressing waste management, land use, and climate change accountability and emissions mitigation (http://sds.uanl.mx/).
As Professor – Researcher at the Institute of Social Research, UANL, lecturer on environmental policy, sustainable development and natural sciences, particularly ecology and human ecology (http://www.iinso.uanl.mx/).
Sherpa of Julia Carabias (former Minister of environment, Mexico) at the High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability, in charge to draft the UN Secretary General proposal for Rio+20 Summit (http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/700).
- 2004–2010 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat, Mexico)
As Director of Global Environmental Policy, advises the Vice-Minister of Environmental Policy and Planning. In charge to coordinate the drafting of the former Climate Change National Strategy (2007) and the first Climate Change Special (National) Programme 2008 – 2012. Edits and publishes the first governmental Handbook on Environmental Management Systems. Coordinates the National Capacities Self-Assessment on climate change, biodiversity and combat desertification with UNDP.
- 2001–2003 Federal Electoral Institute (former IFE, today INE, Mexico)
As member of the Advisory Board to the Chairman of the IFE, oversights and follows up of programmes and projects on national civil education and electoral training (http://www.ine.mx/archivos3/portal/historico/contenido/Atribuciones_DECEYEC/).
- 1995–2001 Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Fishery (Semarnap, Mexico)
As the Permanent Representative of the Minister of Semarnap before the OECD, in Paris, France, in charge for the designing, set up and development of the former environment and sustainable development office at the Mexican Delegation before the OECD. Main tasks were the oversight and coordination of the participation of Mexican officers in the related Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces.
- 1979–1988 Ministry of Fishery (Sepesca, Mexico)
Research and assessment of exploited fish populations in the Mexican Pacific Ocean, at the Mexico/PNUD/FAO Programme.
- 1974–1976 Forest National Inventory (Sagarh, Mexico)
Cartographic assessment of forest resources and human resources Handbook evaluation.
- 1969–1971 National Hydraulic Commission (SARH, Mexico)
Cartographic assessment of hydric basins and water resources disponibility.
Biologist, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico; MS in Ecology and Evolution, Montpellier II, France; PhD in Population Biology and Demographic Ecology, Montpellier II, France; Specialisation on Environmental and Ecological Economics, Faculty of Economics, UNAM, Mexico.
Technical Skills
Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Power Point, Excel. Advanced user in WordPress. Expertise in broadcasting by cyberspace means
and socio-digital platforms: http://www.ceiba.org.mx ; http://www.facebook.com/CeIBAxSustentabilidad ; https://twitter.com/CeibaOficial.
Publishes a biweekly column, «Glocalfilia», upon sustainable development issues (http://www.cronica.com.mx/buscar.php?busca
Scientific Papers
GONZÁLEZ‑DÁVILA, G. 2009. Darwin en el pensamiento del siglo XXI. Casa del Tiempo, Vol. II, época IV, número 21, revista de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, julio 2009 http://www.uam.mx/difusion/casadeltiempo/21_iv_jul_2009/index.php
GONZÁLEZ‑DÁVILA G., PREVOT‑JULLIARD A. C. & LEBRETON J. D. 1997. Dynamics of colony size and colony persistence in a Black headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) population. Colonial Waterbirds.
DANCHIN E., GONZALEZ–DAVILA G. & LEBRETON J. D. 1994. Estimating bird fitness correctly by using demographic models. Journal of Avian Biology.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1994. Démographie animale et biologie des populations. Modélisation et applications pour la gestion d’espèces sauvages. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Sciences Montpellier University, France.
LEBRETON JD & GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1993. An Introduction to Models of Subdivided Populations. Journal of Biological Systems 4:389–423.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1990. Concepts démographiques et biologie évolutive, «Lifetime Reproductive Success» et la valeur sélective. DEA Report, Faculty of Sciences Montpellier University, France.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1990. Optimum age of catch according to the Allen Method and proposal for a Minimum Legal Size for the Northern Anchovy Engraulis mordax Girard, 1856. Ciencias Marinas 16(1):129-153.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1990. Spéciation dans les refuges forestiers du Pléistocène. Post-graduate Tech.Rep., Faculty of Sciences Montpellier University, France.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1990. Étude par hybridations ADN/ADN des relations de parenté des «souris» par rapport au genre Mus sensu lato (Muridae, Mammifères). Post-graduate Tech.Rep., Faculty of Sciences Montpellier University, France.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1988. Evaluación de la pesquería de anchoveta Engraulis mordax Girard 1856, de Baja California, México, y perspectivas de su regulación. Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Sciences UNAM, Mexico.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1986. Abundancia relativa de la anchoveta Engraulis mordax y de la sardina monterrey Sardinops sagax caerulea, en el Pacífico bajacaliforniano durante 1985. Ser.Doc.Trab. 6, INP-SEPESCA, México.
EHRHARDT N, JACQUEMIN P (FAO Staff), GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, COBOS J, SOLIS A, GARCIA F, ULLOA P (National Staff). 1984. Análisis del stock de calamar gigante Dosidicus gigas del Golfo de California durante 1980. Rev. Ciencia Pesquera 5:51-69, INP-SEPESCA, México.
EHRHARDT N, JACQUEMIN P (FAO Staff), COBOS J, GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, SOLIS A, GARCIA F, ULLOA P (National Staff). 1983. On the fishery and biology of the giant squid Dosidicus gigas in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Adv. Assess. World Cephalopod Res. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap. 231:306-340, Rome.
EHRHARDT N, JACQUEMIN P (FAO Staff), SOLIS A, GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, COBOS J, GARCIA F, ULLOA P (National Staff). 1982. Crecimiento del calamar gigante, Dosidicus gigas, del Golfo de California durante 1980. Rev. Ciencia Pesquera 3:33-39, INP-SEPESCA, México.
EHRHARDT N, JACQUEMIN P (FAO Staff), GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, ULLOA P, COBOS J, SOLIS A, GARCIA F (National Staff). 1982. Descripción de la Pesquería de calamar gigante Dosidicus gigas, del Golfo de California, flota y poder de pesca. Rev. Ciencia Pesquera 3:41-60, INP-SEPESCA, México.
Environmental and Natural Resources Policy
ONU, 2012 (Sherpa member). United Nations secretary-General’s high-level panel on Global sustainability (2012). Resilient people, resilient planet: a future worth choosing. New York: United Nations. http://www.un.org/gsp/sites/default/files/attachments/GSP_Report_web_final.pdf
UANL, 2011 (compiler). Environmental Management Programme and Technical Guidelines for the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. Secretariat on Sustainable Development, UANL, Mexico: http://sds.uanl.mx/category/gestion-ambiental/
Semarnat, 2008 (compiler). Special (National) Programme on Climate Change 2009 – 2012. Inter-Ministerial Commission on Climate Change, Semarnat. Mexico.
Semarnat, 2007 (compiler). National Strategy on Climate Change. Inter-Ministerial Commission on Climate Change, Semarnat. Mexico.
Semarnat, 2006 (compiler). Towards a National Strategy on Climate Action. Inter-Ministerial Commission on Climate Change, Semarnat. Mexico.
Semarnat, 2005 (editor). Handbook on Environmental Management Systems. Directorate on Planning, Semarnat, México.
GONZÁLEZ-DÁVILA G. 2003. Ecosistemas y crecimiento económico durable. Economía Informa, Facultad de Economía, UNAM, Número 316, Abril-Mayo 2003, pp. 22-31.
GONZÁLEZ-DÁVILA G. 2003. Población y Medio Ambiente. Agua y Desarrollo Sustentable, Secretaría de Ecología del Gobierno del Distrito Federal, Año 1, Núm. 3, Mayo 2003, pp. 11-14.
CARABIAS J., GONZÁLEZ-DÁVILA G., SAMANIEGO J.L. 2000. Resource Efficiency (High Level Meeting of the OECD Environment Policy Committee (OECD/EPOC), April 4th 2000). «Desarrollo Sustentable», Año 2 Vol. 2 Núm. 14, Mayo-Junio 2000, SEMARNAP, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G & GARCI-CRESPO R. 1989. «Otra ciencia»: Lineamientos de Política de Investigación Pesquera. Nexos 135:64-65, CICCAC. México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G & GARCI-CRESPO R. 1985. Perspectivas en la ecología de los Recursos Marinos. Mem. Encuentro Rec. Mar. IFAL Ac.Int.Der.Pesq. COOPAC, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1985. Investigación Pesquera y Nacionalismo. Mem. Encuentro Rec. Mar. IFAL Ac.Int.Der.Pesq. COOPAC, México.
GARCI-CRESPO R & GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1985. La Ordenación Pesquera y la pesquería de sardina del Golfo de California. Rev.Téc.Pesq. 210:21-25. México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1984. Política Pesquera. En Conclusiones y Recomendaciones para la Investigación Científica Pesquera, UAM-X/SEPES, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G & GARCI-CRESPO, R. 1983. Ecología y Producción Pesquera. In J Carabias & VM Toledo (eds) Ecología y Recursos Naturales. Ed. PSUM, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1982. Plan de Acción del Sector Pesquero: pesquería del Calamar. Programa México/UNDP/FAO. México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G & GARCI-CRESPO R. 1982. La Ciencia Pesquera en México. Rev.Téc.Pesq. 172:37-40. México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1977. Plan Global de Congruencia. Rev. Solidaridad 179, Inst.Est.Ob. «Rafael Galván», México.
Technical Reports
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1988. North Anchovy Mexican Fishery Semi-annual Report 1988. Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1988. North Anchovy Mexican Fishery Yearly Report 1987. Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1987. Monthly Bulletin of the North Anchovy Mexican Fishery (January to December 1987). Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1987. North Anchovy Fishery: Present Status and Perspectives for 1987 Fish Season. Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1986. Monthly Bulletin of the North Anchovy Mexican Fishery (January to December 1986). Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1986. El uso de Técnicas Histológicas en gónadas de peces comerciales para la evaluación de recursos pesqueros mediante los métodos de conteo de huevos y larvas, aplicado a la Anchoveta Norteña Engraulis mordax Girard, 1857. Tech.Rep. Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences UNAM. México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1985. Monthly Bulletin of the North Anchovy Mexican Fishery (August to December 1985). Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Ensenada, Baja California.
GARCI-CRESPO & GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1984-1985. Bimonthly Bulletin of the Sardine Fishery of the California Gulf (April 1984 to June 1985). Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, Guaymas, Sonora, and Mexico City.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1982. The North Squid Dosidicus gigas Fishery. Tech.Rep. INP-SEPESCA, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1984. Handbook on Basic Procedures for the Assessment of Fisheries. INP-SEPESCA, Mexico.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1984. Acerca de la Capacitación Pesquera y las posibilidades del CECAPE. Centro de Capacitación Pesq. Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1983. Necesidades de Capacitación de la Sociedad Cooperativa de Producción Pesquera Única del Estado de Nayarit «Adolfo López Mateos, S.C.L. Centro de Capacitación Pesquera Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1980. Educación y Pesquerías, un Modelo Curricular para la Educación Pesquera. Mem. I Simp. Internacional Org. & Educación Pesqueras. SEPESCA, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1976. Para establecer una finalidad de la Carrera de Biología. Mem. I Simposium Form. Profesionales de la Biología, Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences UNAM, México.
GONZALEZ-DAVILA G. 1976. Optimización de Recursos. Memorias del I Simposium sobre la Formación de Profesionales de la Biología, Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences UNAM, México.
TOLEDO VM, GONZALEZ J, GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, NOVELO H, BETANCOURT J. 1975. Nivel Académico: comentarios sobre un problema actual. Taller de Investigación Educativa. Rev. Biología IV 4 CNEB, México.
GONZALEZ J, GONZALEZ-DAVILA G, NOVELO H, BETANCOURT J. 1975. Una nueva escuela de biología. Rev. Biología IV 3 CNEB, México.
Temas de mayor interés:
Transgresión de umbrales planetarios; evolución y ecología humanas; sistemas de manejo ambiental