Author: Coordinación Editorial

Producción y mercados energéticos 30/08/19

      Latest Energy News 30 August 2019 TOP STORY: Switzerland aims to become climate-neutral by 2050 The Federal Council of Switzerland (the Swiss federal government) has decided to accelerate Switzerland’s decarbonisation trajectory, with a target of zero net carbon emissions by 2050. The objective is to meet the internationally…


Llamado de la sociedad comprometida por un México ambientalmente sostenible

            ANTECEDENTES 27 de agosto, 2019 A pesar de los esfuerzos globales por frenar el deterioro del medio ambiente, las tendencias en la pérdida de la biodiversidad, cambio climático, degradación de la tierra, contaminación atmosférica, acumulación y mal manejo de residuos sólidos y peligrosos, sobreexplotación…


Producción y mercados energéticos 29/08/19

      Latest Energy News 29 August 2019   TOP STORY: The Netherlands will end Groningen gas production before 2030 According to the Dutch Government, production at the Groningen natural gas field, operated by Shell and Exxon Mobil, will stop sooner than previously announced. The Parliament will be informed soon…


Producción y mercados energéticos 27/08/19

      Latest Energy News 27 August 2019   TOP STORY: TEPCO considers decommission of reactors at Kashiwazaki nuclear plant (Japan) TEPCO is considering decommissioning at least one reactor at the 7,965 MW (8,212 MW gross) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Kashiwazaki (Niigata prefecture, Japan). The nuclear power plant consists of…


ISEE Bulletin

        ISEE Bulletin August 2019 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS   ASAUEE IX Conference on Ecological Economics The ASAUEE IX Conference on Ecological Economics will be held in Bariloche, Argentina on 25-29 November, 2019. For more information visit their website at  To submit abstracts for the…


¿Desaparece la Conabio?

¿Desaparece la Conabio? Rafael Robles de Benito || La Jornada Maya || Viernes 9 de agosto, 2019 Significa negarnos la capacidad de apreciar la distribución de la riqueza natural Cada vez es más frecuente escuchar, durante las conversaciones con colegas biólogos y conservacionistas, versiones diferentes acerca de la inminente desaparición…


Producción y mercados energéticos 08/08/19

      Latest Energy News 08 August 2019 TOP STORY: Australia considers implementing a gas reservation policy Australia is considering reserving a part of the domestic gas production for domestic market, as the Ministries of Resources and of Energy plan to review some policies, including gas supply, pipeline access, and…


Producción y mercados energéticos 02/08/19

      Latest Energy News 02 August 2019 TOP STORY: Japan identifies 11 potential offshore wind areas The Japanese Ministries of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) have identified 11 areas for offshore wind power promotion in 5 prefectures of Japan. Four areas…


Producción y mercados energéticos 29/07/19

      Latest Energy News 29 July 2019 TOP STORY: The Philippines will expedite the application of renewable energy policies The Department of Energy (DOE) of the Philippines will expedite the implementation of three key renewable energy policies, in order to reduce the country’s dependence on coal. Under the Renewable…


Producción y mercados energéticos 22/07/19

      Latest Energy News 22 July 2019 TOP STORY: New York State (US) selects Ørsted and Equinor for 1.7 GW offshore wind projects The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has selected two projects for contract negotiation, under its first statewide offshore wind solicitation: the 880…