Portafolio energía

Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Myanmar releases its new Nationally Determined Contribution 25 Aug 2021 Myanmar has unveiled its new Nationally Determined Contribution. Read more Denmark officially launches its third technology-neutral tender 25 Aug 2021 The Danish Energy Agency has officially launched its third technology-neutral tender, open to solar photovoltaic, onshore wind,…


Nature energy

Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2021 Algorithms for all Neighbourhood-scale batteries can help regulate supply and demand in renewable-heavy electricity systems, but their control algorithms tend to focus on techno-economic needs. A new interdisciplinary study shows how incorporating stakeholder perceptions into algorithm design can lead to diverse outcomes in the…


Nature energy, July 2021

Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2021 Trending disruptions As electric power generation is affected by temperature and other meteorological conditions, variations in power production patterns due to climate change should be increasingly observable. Ali Ahmad shows that the rising number of temperature anomalies led to an increase in the number…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory China’s ETS begins trading with a price of US$7.4/tCO2 19 Jul 2021 The Chinese national carbon emission trading scheme (ETS) has officially begun trading with 4.1 MtCO2 quotas worth CNY210m (US$32m) exchanged on 16 July 2021. The opening price was CNY48/tCO2 (US$7.4/tCO2), and the price closed at CNY51.2/tCO2 (US$7.9/tCO2). Read more Brazil…


Nature Energy, June 2021

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2021 Heavy-duty charging The electrification of trucks is an important step towards transport decarbonization. Borlaug et al. use real-world drive-cycle data from short-haul trucking operations to simulate different fleet charging strategies and then assess their infrastructure needs, estimating that most substations can currently support charging…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Argentina strengthens Ieasa’s control over the energy sector 22 Jun 2021 The Argentinian government has granted greater power to the state-owned power utility Ieasa (former Enarsa), strengthening the development capacity of the company in the national energy sector and repealing a previous administration’s plan to privatise US$1bn…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Turkey will launch a voluntary green certificate scheme 18 Jun 2021 The Turkish energy exchange company Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST) will launch the Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (YEK-G) system on 21 June 2021. The voluntary scheme will provide companies and households with proof of origin of power generated…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Brazil registers 94 GW of projects for the A-5 auction in September 2021 11 Jun 2021 The Brazilian state-owned company Energy Research Office (EPE) has registered 1,694 projects totalling 93,859 MW for the A-5 new energy auction, expected on 30 September 2021, including 52 gas-fired power projects totalling 34.6 GW,…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Canada unveils a US$795m renewable investment program 4 Jun 2021 The Canadian government plans to invest CAD964m (US$795m) over four years to support smart renewable energy and grid modernization projects. The Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program aims to lower emissions by investing in clean energy technologies, like…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Angola unveils a new Nationally Determined Contribution 2 Jun 2021 Angola has unveiled a new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The country commits to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2025 below a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario by 14% using its domestic resources (unconditional target) or by 24% with international support…


Nature Energy, Mayo 2021

Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2021 Preventing the cross-over Polysulfide-based redox flow batteries have great potential for grid-scale storage, but they suffer from performance deterioration primarily due to active species cross-over through membranes. Yi-Chun Lu and team develop a Nafion-based membrane that prevents the cross-over and enables these batteries to…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Denmark allocates €1.1bn for energy transition 3 May 2021 Denmark has submitted its DKK11.6bn (€1.9bn) recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission as part of the Next Generation EU, a €750bn temporary recovery instrument (2021-2027) aimed at addressing the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more…