
Producción y mercados energéticos 26/02/19

Latest Energy News 26 February 2019 TOP STORY: Canadian regulator reconsiders Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion The Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) has issued its reconsideration report to the government regarding the next steps of the CAD7.4bn (US$5.5bn) Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project and estimates that its completion is…


Producción y mercados energéticos 25/02/19

Latest Energy News 25 February 2019 TOP STORY: Zambia and Zimbabwe shortlist 3 groups for 2.4 GW Batoka hydro project The Zambezi River Authority’s Council of Ministers, which entails the governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe, has shortlisted three developers for the construction of the 2,400 MW Batoka Gorge hydropower plant…


Producción y mercados energéticos 22/02/19

Latest Energy News  22 February 2019 TOP STORY: European wind power capacity additions reached 11.3 GW in 2018 According to statistics released by the European wind power association WindEurope, the European installed wind capacity grew by 11.3 GW in 2018 (11.7 GW added and 0.4 GW decommissioned during the year),…


@GretaThunberg ante el Consejo Económico Social Europeo

Vídeo del discurso en la Unión Europea, Bruselas, ante el Consejo Económico y Social, 21 de febrero 2019, con subtítulos en español. «Tenemos que empezar a vivir dentro de los límites planetarios, asegurando equidad, y retirándonos un poco de todo lo ocupado por el bien de todos los seres vivos….


Producción y mercados energéticos 21/02/19

Latest Energy News 21 February 2019 TOP STORY: South Africa considers renegotiating old PPAs to improve Eskom’s finances The South African government has outlined a bailout plan for the national power utility Eskom and will inject ZAR69bn (approximately US$5bn) over the next three years to help service its debt and…


Producción y mercados energéticos 19/02/19

Latest Energy News 19 February 2019 TOP STORY: Indonesia aims at reaching energy self-sufficiency through biofuels The Indonesian government is working on plans to cut costly oil imports and achieve energy self-sufficiency by boosting the use of domestic biofuels such as palm oil. More specifically, it supports plans to use…


¿Cómo no actuar ¡ya! ante el cambio climático?

Greta Thunberg, TED Talks Estocolmo, noviembre 2018 (publicado el 13 de febrero 2019) En once minutos, Greta se interroga cómo es posible que la gente y los líderes políticos no actúen urgentemente ante el cambio climático; y explica cómo su preocupación por este fenómeno y la crisis ecológica global la…


Tren Maya: entre rivalidades y desarrollo sustentable

Riesgos para la conservación de los recursos naturales, el desarrollo social y la superación de la pobreza en la región sureste Santiago Izquierdo Tort • Alicia Barceinas CruzRevista NeXos, 13 de febrero 2019 El desarrollo de un tren turístico en el sureste del país —el Tren Maya— es una de…


Súbanse al «Tren Maya»

Entrevista a Barceló Ruiz, enlace territorial del proyecto «Se va a hacer un proyecto ejecutivo en el que incluyan las manifestaciones de impacto ambiental en todo la normatividad vigente y aplicable» Diario Presente, 8 de febrero 2019 Al detallar el proceso en el que se encuentra uno de los ambiciosos…


Producción y mercados energéticos 08/02/19

Latest Energy News 08 February 2019 TOP STORY: Vattenfall reports increased power and gas sales in 2018 (Sweden) Swedish state-run power company Vattenfall has issued its 2018 results, reporting a 16% increase in net sales to SEK156.8bn (€14.9bn), thanks to currency effects, higher power prices and nuclear power production, and…


Enerdata Newsletter – February 2019

Enerdata    Research    Solutions    Consulting    Training Enerdata Newsletter – February 2019 Executive Brief – Does Coal Threaten the Global Energy Transition? Many developed countries are now moving away from coal – the most carbon-intensive way to produce electricity – in their domestic power-mixes. But some emerging nations are just now starting to build coal-fired power plants. Find…


Does Coal Threaten the Global Energy Transition?

Now more than ever — does coal threaten the global energy transition? The transition away from coal-fuelled power is in full-swing in many parts of the world. But some countries facing massive growth are just now starting to use coal for electricity – because it’s often the cheapest, easiest way to keep the lights…


Producción y mercados energéticos 05/02/19

       Latest Energy News 05 February 2019 TOP STORY:  Taiwanese government maintains nuclear phase-out policy The Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs has decided to stick to its policy of phasing out nuclear power by May 2025, despite the outcome of the November 2018 referendum that calls for a review of…


Producción y mercados energéticos 04/02/19

    Latest Energy News 04 February 2019 TOP STORY: Russia’s UES power generation increased by 1.6% in 2018 The Unified Energy System of Russia, which manages seven power systems in Russia (all Russia excepted northern islands and isolated systems in north-eastern Siberia) has issued its 2018 annual report. Domestic installed…


Producción y mercados energéticos 01/02/19

Latest Energy News 01 February 2019 TOP STORY: Vietnam proposes draft feed-in-tariff scheme for solar and wind projects The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has released several draft documents for encouraging the development of rooftop and grid-connected solar power projects along with onshore and offshore wind power plants….


Impactos del Tren Maya

Manifestaciones de impacto ambiental y no ambiental para aprobar la propuesta Paco Remolina Suárez, 31 de enero 2019 De acuerdo a lo que he podido leer y compartir con otras personas, mantengo algunas preocupaciones que sobre los impactos que podría provocar el (supuesto, pero no explícito) Plan de Desarrollo de…


Producción y mercados energéticos 31/01/19

Latest Energy News 31 January 2019 TOP STORY: ExxonMobil and Petrovietnam plan 3 GW gas-fired power project in Vietnam US-based oil and gas company ExxonMobil and the state-run hydrocarbon producer Petrovietnam have awarded a contract for the front-end engineering and design (FEED) of an integrated gas-to-power project in central Vietnam….


Producción y mercados energéticos 30/01/19

Latest Energy News 30 January 2019 TOP STORY: US energy-related CO2 emissions rose by 2.8% in 2018 According to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), domestic energy-related CO2 emissions rose by 2.8% in 2018. This is the largest increase in energy-related CO2 emissions since 2010. Domestic emissions from natural…