
La Unión Europea está renunciando al Acuerdo de París

Ponencia ante el Parlamento Europeo Bruselas, 4 de marzo 2020 Mi nombre es Greta Thunberg, soy una activista climática y parte del movimiento Fridays for Future. Durante un año y medio hemos estado sacrificando nuestra educación para protestar en contra de vuestra inacción y en septiembre 2019 alrededor de siete millones…


Nature Reviews. Volume 1 Issue 3, March 2020

Volume 1 Issue 3, March 2020 Though lessons learned from Earth are frequently applied to other planets, there is much to learn about our own planet from the Solar System and beyond. This Perspective highlights examples from geological and atmospheric sciences in which other planetary bodies have acted as analogues,…


Latest Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Austria and Lombardy (Italy) approve solar+storage investment grants 13 Mar 2020 The Austrian OeMAG energy agency has launched €36m investment grant scheme for small-scale solar PV installations up to 500 kW and electricity storage systems up to 60 MWh. Rooftop solar installations will receive €24m in rebates…


Latest Energy News

Daily Energy News Policy & Regulatory Angola plans to remove fuel price subsidies 12 Mar 2020 The government of Angola has announced plans to remove subsidies on fuel prices, though without specifying the implementation schedule. The government estimates that more than US$3.5bn/year are spent on fuel price subsidies and is absorbing…


Coronavirus ataca de nuevo

GLOCALFILIA  ||  La Crónica de Hoy  ||  4 de marzo 2020 Virus SARS-Cov-2 = enfermedad COVID19, otro coronavirus ataca… Los coronavirus son muy comunes y pueden causar enfermedades leves en humanos. Pero dos de ellos causaron epidemias graves: el síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV) en 2002 y síndrome respiratorio del Medio Oriente (MERS-CoV)…


ISEE Bulletin

ISEE Bulletin March 2020 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS   2-Year Post Doc Position Closing 2 April Key Details Would you like to further your career by applying your quantitative energy and economic skills at one of the UK’s leading research-intensive Universities? Do you have the ability to work…


Latest Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Manitoba (Canada) implements flat CAD25/t carbon tax 9 Mar 2020 The Canadian province of Manitoba (1.4 million inhabitants) has decided to introduce a flat CAD 25/tCO2 (US$19/tCO2) carbon tax as of 1 July 2020, and to cut the provincial sales tax (PST) from 7% to 6%, saving Manitobans CAD325m/year (US$242m/year),…


Enerdata Newsletter, marzo 2020

Tuesday, 3 March 2020 Summary Reports 2nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework At its second meeting, the Working Group commented on the zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework that was released in January 2020. Delegates approved the final recommendation of the meeting…


Actualidad Científica

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 27 febrero, 2020 Farmacología Un compuesto del cannabis para vencer la resistencia a los antibióticos El cannabigerol presenta la capacidad de eliminar bacterias de tipo Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina, así como de inhibir el crecimiento de las biopeliculas que forma este microorganismo sobre…


Plásticos: entre decisiones de moda y cumplimiento de la ley

GLOCALFILIA  ||  La Crónica de Hoy  ||  17 de enero 2020 Los plásticos provienen de transformar alrededor del 6% del petróleo producido en sus monómeros constituyentes, proceso altamente intensivo en uso de energía que emite alrededor de 1% de las emisiones globales (OCDE 2018). Desde la década de 1950 el uso de plásticos…


ISEE Bulletin

ISEE Bulletin February 2020 THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 7TH INTERNATIONAL DEGROWTH / 16TH INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS JOINT CONFERENCE Open Call for Contributions We are pleased to announce our open call for papers, special sessions (round tables, symposia), participative sessions, activist and artistic sessions. Information about the…


Latest Energy News

Daily Energy News Policy & Regulatory Indonesia considers creating a state-owned upstream company 14 Feb 2020 The government of Indonesia has submitted a bill to the parliament to create a new state-owned company in charge of upstream oil and gas activities, which would conduct business with private companies through production sharing…


Nature Climate Change

Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2020 Hotter summers dry Alpine rivers Mountain forest drought. Increases in water consumption from vegetation (green water) at the expense of streamflow in rivers (blue water). Fatichi and colleagues quantify this for a 2003 European Alps heatwave and drought, highlighting underappreciated vulnerability of blue water…