
Nature Reviews: june 2020

Volume 1 Issue 6, June 2020 Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are an important source of precipitation in many tropical and mid-latitude regions, but can also produce hazardous weather such as extreme rain, derechos and tornadoes. This Review discusses the formation of MCSs, their hazardous weather, predictive capabilities and projected changes…


Un llamado urgente en el Día mundial del medio ambiente

Viernes 5 de junio 2020. 23 ex titulares de dependencias del sector ambiental federal hacen un llamado al presidente de la República para que corrija el inmenso recorte de presupuesto que deja prácticamente inhabilitadas para funcionar a la CONANP, la CONABIO, la CONAFOR y la CONAGUA, entre otras. … Sr…


Tránsito hacia una economía circular comunitaria cero residuos…

… en tiempos de pandemia. Dra. Cristina Cortinas Durán & Izarelly Rosillo PantojaFundación Cristina CortinasZoom, jueves 21 de mayo 2020. Cómo poner en práctica: La implementación de la Agenda 2030 en México. Desacoplar el crecimiento económico del uso intensivo y destructivo de los recursos naturales. Que el gasto público sea…


Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2020

Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2020 Effective defects Defects are normally detrimental to the power conversion efficiency of solar cells. Du et al. show that in quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells charge-trapping defects assist photoconversion and increase efficiency by supporting charge transfer to the electrodes. See Du et al. Image: Jun Du…


¿La hora de los brujos?

José Woldenberg, El Universal, 19 de mayo 2020 Recuerdo que en los lejanos años setenta algunos amigos maoístas tenían un método de acercamiento a la realidad que intentaba develar los conflictos primordiales y colocar en un segundo plano los menos relevantes. Detectaban —según ellos— cuál era la contradicción fundamental y…


Latest Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Indonesia plans to inject US$2.4bn in PT PLN and US$3bn in Pertamina 19 May 2020 The Indonesian government is planning to provide IRD128,000bn (US$8.6bn) for 12 state-owned companies, including a cash compensation of IRD35,000bn (US$2.4bn) to state-owned electric utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN) in 2020 and IRD44,000bn (US$3bn) paid…


Volume 1 Issue 5, May 2020

The Deepwater Horizon disaster was the largest accidental discharge of oil into the environment, and was intensely studied during and after the event. In this Review, the subsequent advances made in oil chemistry, dispersant application, and microbiology are discussed. See Kujawinski et al. Image: David Wall/Alamy Stock Photo. Cover design:…


Latest Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Lithuania will gradually liberalise residential electricity prices 13 May 2020 The Lithuanian parliament (Seimas) has adopted a motion amending the Law on Electricity, which will gradually liberalise residential prices on the retail electricity market, with the objective to end regulated tariffs by 2023. The purchase and supply price…