Portafolio energía

Nature energy

Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2021 Making contacts The power conversion efficiency of mainstream silicon photovoltaics is expected to saturate at 24% yet the use of charge-selective contacts that also minimize charge recombination could enable further improvements. Towards that aim, Richter et al. demonstrate a 26.0%-efficient solar cell by redesigning…


Daily Energy News

Energy & Climate Markets The 1.4 GW NordLink interconnector (Norway-Germany) is commissioned 14 Apr 2021 The German and Norwegian power transmission system operators (TSOs) TenneT and Statnett have fully commissioned the 1.4 GW NordLink interconnector between Germany and Norway. The €1.5-2bn interconnection project comprises a bipolar high-voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea interconnector, which…


Transitions et énergies

«Es más fácil desintegrar un átomo que un prejuicio», Albert Einstein Hidrógeno: la revolución que se avecina 9 avril 2021 – https://www.transitionsenergies.com/le-dernier-numero-du-magazine-transitions-energies-paru/  2 minutes de lecture Transports, rien ne sera plus comme avant Le nouveau numéro de Transitions & Energies vient de paraitre. Titré, «Energie et Transport, la révolution qui…


Enerdata Newsletter, March 2021

Public webinar – Decarbonisation of the European transport sector – 13/04/2021 10AM CET Enerdata experts will be presenting a selection of key indicators related to the four levers of the decarbonisation of transport (energy efficiency, fuel substitution, modal shift, transport demand) and identify best practices among European countries in these…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Pakistan plans to privatise 10 power distribution companies 29 Mar 2021 The Privatisation Commission (PC) of Pakistan plans to privatise 10 power distribution companies, including electricity supply companies of Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Sukkur and tribal areas. The PC expects the private sector to…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Lebanon unveils its updated Nationally Determined Contribution 17 Mar 2021 Lebanon has updated its 2015 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The country intends to unconditionally increase its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target relative to the Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario from 15% to 20%, and conditionally increase its GHG emission reduction…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Canada unveils a new federal greenhouse gas offset system 9 Mar 2021 The federal government of Canada has released draft regulations on a new federal greenhouse gas (GHG) offset system, which would allow municipalities, farmers, indigenous communities, businesses, and others to earn offset credits for projects that reduce…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Brazil initiates privatisation process of power utility Eletrobras 26 Feb 2021 The Brazilian president has delivered a provisional measure to Congress, which allows the national development bank BNDES to start the privatisation process of the state-owned power utility Eletrobras. Brazil directly controls 42.57% of Eletrobras’s total capital….


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory France launches tender for 700 MW of solar PV capacity 22 Feb 2021 The French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has launched its 10th tender for the construction of 700 MW of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects exceeding 500 kW in size. The country aims at allocating 450 MW for ground-mounted PV projects…