

Activist holding sign at COP24

COP25 Halfway Webinar

Midway through the 2019 Climate Change Conference, the Earth Negotiations Bulletin team will host a concise webinar to update the global sustainable development community on what progress has been made in Madrid, what obstacles have risen and what to expect in the second week of negotiations.

Join us for an insightful talk and Q&A with Dr. Jennifer Allan, ENB Team Leader for COP25.

Sunday, 8 December 2019
3:00 PM Madrid (CEST)
9:00 AM New York (EST)
7:30 PM New Delhi (IST)

Register in Advance

Dr. Jennifer Allan

About Dr. Jennifer Allan

Dr. Jennifer Allan is a Strategic Adviser and Team Leader with Earth Negotiations Bulletin, as well as a Lecturer at Cardiff University. Her work focuses on the global governance of climate change, chemicals, and wastes. Her publications explore the complexities of setting global rules for the environment and the role of non-state actors in negotiation processes.

With ENB since 2011, she has attended over 30 negotiation sessions and often leads IISD’s work on climate change and other negotiations.

Martes, 12 de noviembre de 2019

Informe Diario

Congreso de CGLU – Cumbre Mundial de Líderes Locales y Regionales

Durante la segunda jornada de la Cumbre los delegados participaron en sesiones que duraron todo el día sobre el aprendizaje de CGLU, con vistas a extender el impacto de las políticas, e involucrarse en una variedad de cuestiones entre las que se incluyó el género, los derechos humanos, la movilidad y el rol de la cultura como cuarto pilar del desarrollo.
 Leer en Inglés | Francés | Español

Summary Reports

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Thirty-first Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

Delegates successfully completed five days of negotiations, with the most pressing agenda items—terms of reference for the study on the 2021-2023 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund, the unexpected emissions of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), and the areas of focus for the 2022 quadrennial assessment reports of the three Assessment Panels—requiring careful negotiation to balance different parties’ agendas. Read in English

Daily Reports

8th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Delegates aim to reach consensus on measures to enhance the functioning of the Multilateral System of access and benefit-sharing, which have been under negotiation for six years. Read in English | French

UCLG World Congress – World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders

Convening at the International Conference Centre in Durban, the Summit is the largest gathering of mayors, presidents of associations, councillors, and local and regional practitioners and partners. Recommendations adopted at the Summit are expected to become a reference point for the development of future policies, advocacy and work plans to transform society in the context of a multi-level approach, based on a renewed format with enhanced policy outputs. Read in English |  French Spanish

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