
Enerdata 360° Newsletter — May 2022

Executive brief –  Energy crisis: opportunity or threat for EU energy transition?
The consequences of recent crises (Covid-19, surge in gas and electricity prices in 2021, Ukrainian situation in 2022) on the EU’s energy transition are quite diverse. To which extent may the EU’s energy transition be affected? Which structural trends and cyclical factors appear to decidethe future of the EU’s power mix?

Read the executive brief

Company news – Implementation of energy transition scenarios
Enerdata supports the Directorate General for Energy and Climate (DGEC) in the development and the consistency check of these scenarios by producing prospective energy balances as well as monitoring indicators.

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Company news – Celebration of our 30th anniversary
Enerdata celebrates 30 years of expertise on energy and decarbonisation challenges. In May, we welcomed a panel of 30 customers, researchers, experts, coming from various continents and structures, for a 2-day seminar in our beloved Vercors mountains.

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Company news – We’re hiring!

To support our development, we are recruiting various profiles: senior hydrogen analyst, senior energy demand expert, full stack web developer, as well as junior analysts and interns. Spread the word!

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Publication – Scenarios ADEME – transition(s) 2050

Enerdata supported ADEME, the French ecological transition agency, in the creation of four low-carbon scenarios towards a net-zero France in 2050, particularly in the consolidation of sectoral prospective work carried out by its departments.

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Publication – Series ADEME – Lifestyle

ADEME released a perception study of its four scenarios. By interviewing a representative sample of 31 citizens, ADEME assessed the perceived desirability, feasibility, and conditions of success towards a net-zero French economy and society.

Download the series (in French)

Encyclopedia article – Fuel cells

Fuel cells enable the electricity conversion into hydrogen via chemical transformations. The hydrogen produced can be used in several end-uses in industry, transport or construction. Thus, this hydrogen contributes to the transition of these consuming sectors towards non-carbon energies. How does a fuel cell work?

Read the article
in English | in French

Encyclopedia article – Environmental inequalities

Environmental inequalities are linked to the natural characteristics of living areas, the level of development of populations, exceptional climatic events, etc. The social impacts of these inequalities are heterogeneous, and policies can affect them. What do these inequalities exactly overlap? What are the associated issues and the possible measures to address them?

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in English | in French

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