
International Society for Ecological Economics

ISEE Biennial Conference

Call for Abstracts
Submissions Closing on May 2

17th Biennial Conference of ISEE
Economies for life: Alliances for practicing ecological economics
in a world in transitio

Santa Marta, Colombia: 26rd -28th October 2023

We would like to remind you that the deadline for submission of Abstracts, Special Tracks, and Format-free Events for the 26th-28th of October 2023 Conference in Santa Marta, Colombia, is approaching.

The deadline for submission is May 2, 2023.

We’d like to invite you to submit your proposals for Abstracts, Special Tracks, and Format-free Events for the conference. Submissions can be made in either English or Spanish. However, please remember that bilingual sessions mixing both languages are impossible as the conference cannot offer simultaneous translation. For submission, proponents need to choose one of the two official languages of the conference.

See the General Approach document for definitions and differences between Special Tracks and Format-free Events. Please follow the submission guidelines carefully for each modality.

For Abstracts, please provide the title, names, and affiliations of up to six authors and an abstract of no more than 2600 characters (including spaces and punctuation), which is approximately 300 words.

For Special Tracks, please provide the track title, a justification, and objectives of no more than 3700 characters (including spaces and punctuation), which is approximately 500 words, names, and affiliations of up to four chairpersons, and presentation title and abstract of no more than 2600 characters (including spaces and punctuation), which is approximately 300 words, with speaker affiliation.

For Format-free Events, please provide the event title, justification, and objectives of no more than 3700 characters (including spaces and punctuation), which is approximately 500 words, names and affiliations of up to four chairpersons, names and affiliations of expected participants (if known), and a description of the type and format of the event in no more than 2600 characters (including spaces and punctuation), which is approximately 300 words.

Please note that the abstracts of the presentations in Special Tracks must be submitted jointly with the proposal of Special Track.

We also remind you that pre-recorded presentations (for accepted abstracts) must be submitted before September 1, 2023.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the Santa Marta, Colombia conference.

Submit Today!

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Call for Nominations

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) announces the Bina Agarwal Prize for Young Scholars in Ecological Economics, to be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to Ecological Economics.

This international Prize will be conferred biennially in recognition of outstanding research contributions in the field of Ecological Economics by scholars aged 45 or below. The Prize is being established by ISEE to honor pioneering intellectual contributions in the field of Ecological Economics, which is of critical importance today in global efforts to enhance human well-being and environmental sustainability, with social justice. The Prize will honor young scholars who have contributed significantly to this interdisciplinary field, primarily focusing on developing and least-developed countries.

ISEE members and regional societies of Ecological Economics members can nominate. Self-nominations are ineligible.

Nomination Form (Word & PDF)



Environmental Conflicts, Social Structures and Invasive Species Control

Tuesday, June 13–Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Online and in Nantes, France

This two-day workshop will focus on the control of invasive species in complex and conflictual social contexts.

The workshop aims to bring together empirical researchers, environmental professionals, and theoreticians to share perspectives on invasive species control in a social context. It will emphasize management in the face of disparate interests and nonviolent or violent conflicts. With participants from diverse parts of the globe, the workshop aims to help form interdisciplinary connections that lead to relevant research and effective social and environmental interventions.

Learn More


EE4ALL Earth Day Event From Limits to Growth to an Earth4All Recording is Ready!

The recording for our inspiring Ecological Economics for All’s annual Earth Day event in partnership with Earth4All, The Donella Meadows Project, Rethinking Economics UVM, Rethinking Economics USA, The Gund Institute, USSEE, and the Leadership for the Ecozoic is ready!

Watch the replay!

Our event with the relevant theme «From Limits to Growth to an Earth4All» featured the unstoppable Sandrine Dixon-Declève, co-President of the Club of Rome, who presented about the urgent need to implement the 5 turnarounds in women empowerment, inequality, poverty, food and energy systems to achieve systems change in North American and the world in this decade of action.

Her exciting presentation was followed by an engaging conversation with Rigo Melgar and ISEE’s Rep. Lizah Makombore on the need for an economic transformation in North America and beyond to achieve wellbeing within planetary boundaries for all.

Our goal with this event is to create awareness in our Ecological Economics community in the US and around the world about the new Earth for All: A Surviving Guide for Humanity report to the Club of Rome 50 years after the earth-shattering Limits to Growth report by Meadows et al. which has greatly influenced the fields of ecological and biophysical economics, among others. Please share widely!

If you missed last year’s Earth Day event on the 50th Anniversary of Limits to Growth, feel free to check it out at



Job Postings

PhD Scholarship in Ecosystem Services

An exciting opportunity for an outstanding PhD Candidate to be involved in an innovative project to assess and value in economic terms, the provisioning of selected ecosystems services in New Zealand. An attractive remuneration package is available including a $90,000 stipend and extra funding for contracted work worth $60,000, over 3 years. Tuition and non-tuition fees will be paid for both domestic and international students.

Students with backgrounds in ecological economics, environmental economics, ecology, environmental management, or related fields are welcome to apply. The PhD scholarship is hosted by Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand with supervision also provided by Lincoln University and the University of Queensland. The PhD scholarship will commence at the beginning of 2024, with some contracted project work available starting 1 June 2023.

Click Here for Complete Information


Regional Society News

#CANSEE2023 Conference

By design not disaster: Grounding economies during uncertain times

October 11, 12, & 13
York University, Toronto, ON

CANSEE Call for Abstracts


ECOECO Conference

XV Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica (ECOECO)

The conference of the Brazilian Society for Ecological Economics (ECOECO) will be held in the beautiful Amazonian city of Santarém (Pará, Brazil), from the 7th to the 11th of November.

The theme is: Challenges and paths for an economy of sociobiodiversity in the Amazon.

Learn More


The ISEE Journal, Ecological Economics

The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay between «nature’s household» (ecosystems) and «humanity’s household» (the economy).

Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field defined by a set of concrete problems or challenges related to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice. The journal thus emphasizes critical work that draws on and integrates elements of ecological science, economics, and the analysis of values, behaviors, cultural practices, institutional structures, and societal dynamics.

The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, drawing on the insights offered by a variety of intellectual traditions, and appealing to a diverse readership.

Access the Latest Issue

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