
ISEE Bulletin



Economies for life: Alliances for practicing ecological economics in a world in transition

The 17th conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics will take place in Colombia from 23-24th October 2023 in Bogotá (an event or series of events targeting policy makers), and 26-28th October 2023 in Santa Marta. 

This will be a joint hybrid  conference organized by ISEE and a consortium of five Colombian Universities and there will be a series of online events in the months before and during the conference.

Stay tuned for further details!


Creating in the dark – Workshop Series

Facilitated by Anja Byg

As academics we mostly approach issues such as climate change and the biodiversity crisis with our intellect; analysing, debating and using logic to understand as well as advocate for what we think is the right response to these crises. But what if an intellectual understanding is not enough, neither for us personally nor for society to respond, adapt and transition to a more just and less harmful way of living? How can we engage emotionally as well as creatively, allowing ourselves to feel and express the emotions that necessarily must accompany such processes? How can we use our imagination to connect and to move beyond the same logic that brought us here?

In this 5-part workshop series, we will explore ways of engaging creatively with our emotions*, our fears and hopes and the stories that we carry, whether as baggage from the past or as something that can help us find our way through uncertain times. We will use creative writing as well as other forms of creative expressions. No prior experience of creative writing or the arts or any special materials are needed.

The workshop series is open to ISEE members only (If you want to become a member click here). There are 20 spaces available that will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The workshops will be run online (via Zoom) on the following dates: 14 Oct, 28 Oct, 11 Nov, 25 Nov, 9 Dec. 4-5.30 pm CET. 

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Open Access Book

Economía ecológica latinoamericana

ISBN 978-987-813-025-5
Buenos Aires.
Septiembre de 2022
*Disponible sólo en versión digital

Abordar la cuestión latinoamericana, su evolución histórica y su situación actual, sin detenerse a observar de manera integral sus características socioculturales y ecológicas, conduciría a una mirada incompleta y sesgada. Las múltiples crisis que vivimos en nuestra región y en el mundo, las cuales incluyen dimensiones económicas, sociales, políticas, culturales y ecológicas, ya no pueden ser representadas e interpretadas exclusivamente a partir de miradas socioeconómicas convencionales. Asimismo, tampoco es posible dar respuestas a estas complejidades a partir de la fragmentación disciplinar que hasta hoy sigue siendo dominante entre ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales y humanas. Como diría Paul Cilliers, 1 “no es posible contar una historia única y exclusiva sobre algo realmente complejo”. Esta reflexión es aún más relevante cuando hablamos de un continente que ha sido marcado por prácticas coloniales que, aunque con diferencias en cada territorio y periodo histórico, significaron un entramado de implicancias multidimensionales (económicas, sociales, políticas, culturales y ecológicas) y multiescalares (locales, regionales y globales), entrelazadas e inseparables que perduran hasta nuestros días.

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The ISEE Journal, Ecological Economics

The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay between «nature’s household» (ecosystems) and «humanity’s household» (the economy).

Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field defined by a set of concrete problems or challenges related to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice. The journal thus emphasizes critical work that draws on and integrates elements of ecological science, economics, and the analysis of values, behaviors, cultural practices, institutional structures, and societal dynamics.

The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, drawing on the insights offered by a variety of intellectual traditions, and appealing to a diverse readership.

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