
ISEE Bulletin

ISEE Bulletin

January 2020


Letter from Outgoing President of ISEE

When I accepted to be the ISEE president-elect candidate, I explained that my desire had always been to challenge the conventional economics I learned at the university (Yale, among them). I also said I followed what Georgescu had indicated. My understanding is that Ecological Economics is the ecological view of the economy; it is therefore not a branch of economics. Economics means the economic view of the economy. And environmental economics is the economic vision of the environment.

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Real-World Economics Review

The importance of ecological economics: An interview with Herman Daly.

To learn more, click here.

Nature Needs Half (NNH) Initiative

Upcoming Opportunities

The ISEE is encouraged to participate in upcoming events in 2020 that are expected to contribute greatly to defining an internationally recognized framework for biodiversity protection over the next decade and beyond.

The three key events are:

  1. 11th World Wilderness Congress in Jaipur, India (March 2020)
  2. IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France (June 2020)
  3. COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, China (October 2020)

2021 Planetary Health Alliance Annual Meeting

As 2019 comes to a close, the PHA would like to express our deepest thanks for your support and steadfast efforts toward our shared vision of interconnected human and environmental well-being!

Looking ahead, the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) and University of São Paulo (USP) are thrilled to announce that the 2021 Planetary Health Annual Meeting will be held from April 19-21, 2021 in São Paulo, Brazil, intentionally chosen to honor both Earth Day and Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Dia do Índio).

To learn more, click here.

Population Matters | One Year in Review

To steal Ervin Drake’s Christmas song made famous by Frank Sinatra, ‘It was a very good year’ for Population Matters, as the Annual Report shows. For me, key events and activities were our increased focus and developing partnerships with fellow campaigners in Africa. Exemplified by our event in Lagos for World Population Day, co-hosted with the Nigerian Conservation Foundation – notable for unequivocal statements from the government ministers and public officials present as to the pressing need to reduce population growth if Nigeria is to avoid societal, economic and ecological breakdown.

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Revista Iberoamericana de Econimia Ecologica, Volumen 30

To read more and find links to articles, visit

Assistant Research Scientist in Ecosystem Services

The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) seeks applications for a full-time Assistant Research Scientist with expertise in quantifying the monetary and/or non-monetary value of ecosystem services in the Great Lakes. This new position is part of an ongoing ‘Blue Economy’ initiative in the Great Lakes, which strives to promote sustainable use of natural resources for economic growth and improved livelihoods while also preserving the health of Great Lakes ecosystems.

Visit our website for more information

2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance

2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance, will be held on 15-17 September 2020 in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic. The conference is hosted by SLOVAKGLOBe, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava and the CETIP together with the Earth System Governance Project.

The 2020 Bratislava Conference will be organized around the five analytical lenses structuring the new earth system governance research agenda, as captured in the 2018 Science and Implementation Plan; and a sixth stream focusing on specific issues and challenges concerning the current moment of crisis, contestation, and calls for action across the globe.

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