
Nature Energy November 2020

Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2020

Volume 5 Issue 11

Spend time outdoors

Outdoor testing is key to the electrical characterization of solar cells as their performance in the field could differ to that under laboratory conditions. After extensive tests in a hot and sunny climate, Aydin et al. show that the bandgap of the perovskite absorber that maximizes the efficiency of perovskite/silicon tandems in the field is lower than that determined in the lab.

See Aydin et al.

Image: Erkan Aydin, KAUST. Cover Design: Thomas Phillips.


  • Editorial | 12 November 2020

    Renewable energy technologies do not always employ sustainable resources. The scarcity of cobalt supply must be addressed in transportation electrification.

News & Views

  • News & Views | 02 November 2020

    Social norm interventions are widely used to foster residential resource conservation. Now researchers have shown that the effectiveness of providing information about others’ energy use alongside messages of social approval for energy savings behaviour depends on the strength and consistency of these messages.

    • Jon M. Jachimowicz

    News & Views | 21 October 2020

    The design of research solar cells is typically optimized for laboratory conditions but in the real world they are exposed to changing temperatures influencing their performance. Now, research from outdoor tests reveals how temperature alters the current of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells and how this changes the optimal bandgaps.

    • Jan Christoph Goldschmidt

    News & Views | 02 November 2020

    Microwave heating has become a useful tool in catalysis to obtain chemical products under unconventional reaction conditions. Now, researchers have demonstrated low-temperature water splitting to produce hydrogen using microwave catalysis and revealed the important role of reduced oxides in the process.

    • Daniel R. Slocombe

Policy Brief


  • Review Article | 12 August 2020

    Negawatt trading or trade in wattage of energy saved from consumption has been a much debated idea that has evaded wide-scale practical application. Tushar et al. look at the challenges to wide-scale negawatt trading and explain how recent technological developments can help address those challenges.

    • Wayes Tushar
    • Tapan K. Saha
    •  & Subarna Basnet


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