Luis Fueyo MacDonald » Miembros


El Centro está integrado por socios fundadores y por socios nuevos. La asociación promueve la incorporación de socios jóvenes para conjuntar esfuerzos hacia el futuro a favor de la sustentabilidad. Simpatizantes que deseen participar en algunas actividades sin formar parte de la estructura formal, pueden solicitar información a la Dirección Ejecutiva. Los miembros de CeIBA son expertos en conocimientos ambientales y formulación de políticas públicas para la sustentabilidad del desarrollo.

Luis Fueyo MacDonald

Físico por la UNAM, Master en Hidroacústica (Noruega) Consultor independientePlaneación estratégica y formulación de políticas para el desarrollo sustentable


Key ProfessionaL Skills:

  • Strong leadership in environmental, social, and economic policy approaches at the international and national levels.
  • Enabler of sustainable development projects and processes for poverty alleviation in rural and indigenous communities.
  • Negotiator and promoter of international conventions including the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles (IAC).
  • Defender of the “rule of law” at the local, national and international levels.
  • Capacity builder of communities and NGOs to foster sustainable development initiatives.
  • Planer and advocator of programs and projects for sustainable development.
  • Leader in the conciliation of interests, promotion of agreements, trust-building and governance processes.


Work Experience:

Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales-SEMARNAT/ Mexican Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Mexico City, 2015 – present)

  • Advised the Minister on the design and implementation of Mexico’s Environmental Policy

National Commissioner of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP)

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales-SEMARNAT/ Mexican Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Mexico City, 2010 – apr. 2015)

  • Led The National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), which currently manages 176 natural areas under federal rule (representing 25,617, 251 hectares, 12.11 % of Mexico territory). The National Commission has 1,780 employees around the Country.

Significant achievements:

  • Design and formulation of the 2040 CONANP Strategy, a document that lays the groundwork for present and future work on institutional priorities.
  • Preparation of the National Protected Areas Program 2014 – 2018, it is a planning instrument which sets out the objectives and goals to be achieved in the conservation of ecosystems in Mexico.
  • Increased the quantity, as well as the surface of national protected areas in accordance with Aichi goals-CDB.
  • Strengthening and expansion of subsidy programs to eliminate poverty in natural protected areas
  • Registration of sites to the list of UNESCO World Heritage: 1) El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve, Sonora, as natural site in 2013; and 2) Ancient Maya City and Protected Tropical Forest of Calakmul, Campeche (registered in 2014 as the first mixed site in Latin America).
  • Incorporation of 18 sites at The International Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR), covering a total area of 656,791 hectares.
  • Incorporation of 4 sites at the «Man and Biosphere Program» of UNESCO, covering a total area of 1’184,744 hectares.
  • Significant fundraising (derived from international cooperation) to be applied to priority issues, such as: climate change, institutional strengthening, capacity building, ecosystem services, management and conservation of protected areas.
  • Operation of 5 GEF projects in Mexico on strategic global agendas including biodiversity, climate change, deforestation and land desertification.
  • Development of a solid agenda on climate change with potential of showcase in the Latin America region.
  • Proposal, negotiation and implementation of diverse projects (climate change, value of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and recovery of endangered species) in North America, through the North American Wilderness and Protected Areas Committee (NAWPA), in collaboration with Parks Canada, USF&WS, NPS, US Forest Service, BLM, USGS, and CONANP.

Other appointments

  • Adviser to the Executive Secretary at Mexico’s Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO-Mexico) (2007-2010).
  • General Director of Inspection and Monitoring of Marine Resources and Coastal Ecosystems at the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA-Mexico 2001-2007).
  • General Director of Inspection and Surveillance of Fisheries and Marine Resources at Mexico’s Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA -Mexico 1997-2000).
  • Adviser on Fishing Cooperatives and small farmers (“ejidos”) at Trusts Institute for Agriculture (FIRA, Banco de México) (1990-1995).
  • General Director for the Science and Technology for Aquaculture Company (México, 1990-1995).
  • Regional Director of the Fisheries Research Center in Mazatlán, Sinaloa (México, 1986-1990).
  • Researcher at the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA-Mexico 1982-1990).
  • National counterpart representative with UNDP/FAO to assess the state of fishery resources in Mexico (1978-1982).
  • Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Faculty of Science (Mexico, 1974-1978).


Participation in multilateral fora:

Representative and head of delegation of Mexico in different international fora including: environment, fisheries, climate change, water, air, biodiversity, trade and environment, and sustainable development.

Contributed in coordination with GRULAC and Mega diverse countries in drafting proposals and reviews of international negotiation and support documents.

Main Fora: Committee on Fisheries – FAO; IUCN; Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission – IATTC; Program for International Dolphin Conservation- IPCD; The RAMSAR Convention;  UNESCO – World Heritage Centre; MCS Network (fisheries enforcement);  Inter – American Convention for The protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles – IAC;  Commission for Environmental Cooperation of north America – CEC; Central American Commission of Environment and Development – CCAD;  World Protected Areas Leader Forum – WPALF;  The North American Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Wilderness and Protected Area Conservation –NAWPA;  Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development – OLDEPESCA; Forum of Ministers of Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation – APEC;  United Nations Conference of Sustainable Development – Rio+20;  Convention on Biological Diversity –CDB;   The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC.


Bilateral collaboration:

USA – National Parks Services- USNPS; US Fish and Wildlife Services – USF&WS; Environmental Protection Agency – EPA; Bureau of Land Management – USBLM; National Forest – USNFS. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – NOAA.

Canada – Parks Canada; Wildlife Canada; Environment Canada; Oceans Canada.

Different government institutions of the following countries: Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Panama y Cuba.



  • Built relations and partnerships with international organizations including: UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO, ECLAC, UNICPOLOS, DOCLOS-UN.
  • Built relations with national NGOs, private sector, legislative, academia and subnational governments on economic policy issues, sustainable development, conservation strategies and evaluation.

Participation as a Juror

  • “Por Amor al Planeta” program of Volkswagen México. Award for scientific research.
  • “Reconocimiento a la Conservación de la Naturaleza” of SEMARNAT/CONANP. Award recognizing the participation of different sectors, public and private groups and individuals for their actions on Mexico’s nature conservancy.
  • “Concurso Nacional de Trabajos Universitarios” of CONANP and the National Institute of Indigenous Languages. Awarded for the best thesis of “terminals works” on nature conservation.
  • “Concurso Nacional de Leyendas Indígenas” of CONANP. Award tale poem and stories of indigenous communities for the conservation of nature.



Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and a Master’s degree from Mexico and Norway (UNAM, IPN and Fisheries Institute in Bergen); specializing in hydro-acoustics, marine resource assessments, and management of coastal ecosystems.

His knowledge includes social participation, governance and empowerment of local leaders (men and women, youth and adults). Enable different organizations to enhance sustainable projects, and obtain successful results for environment and human well-being.

Knowledge on the following areas: Environmental Law, Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Assessments, Strategic Planning as well as Public Administration and Leadership.

Obteined a Diploma on Tools and Techniques for Conservancy from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) and The Nature Conservancy.


Publications and Articles

  • Fueyo L., (2015). Natural Protected Areas of Mexico. In scientific research and Protected Natural Areas in Mexico. México. CIBNOR-CONACYT. In press
  • Fueyo L., (2015). Vaquita Marina: Mexican Specie on endangered extinction. In Este País Magazine Tendencias y Opiniones No. 288. México.
  • Fueyo L., (2014). Challenges and Strategies for Conservation of Mexican Deserts. In Mexico’s Deserts. México. Verde México.
  • Fueyo L., (2012). Twenty years PROFEPA: contributing to governance. In «20 years of Environmental Justice in Mexico «.
  • Fueyo L., et al. (2009) Mangroves Mexico. México. CONABIO.
  • Fueyo L., (2005). Instruments for regulation, conservation and use of fishery resources. Selected Topics in Environmental Law. (p 151-186) México, D.F. UNAM – PROFEPA.
  • Fueyo L., (2005). Guidelines for the establishment and operation of Committees of Participatory Environmental Monitoring. México. PROFEPA.
  • Fueyo L., (1996). National Program for Coastal Development and Legal Status of Shrimp Farms. México. SEMARNAP.
  • Fueyo L., (1986). Integral Plan for Sustainable Development of shrimp farming in Nayarit, Sinaloa and Sonora. INAPESCA.
  • Fueyo L., (1982) Manual assessment of fishery resources hydroacoustic methods. México.

Temas de mayor interés:

Biodiversidad versus minería a gran escala; derechos humanos y participación social en la conservación; legislación ambiental.
Fotografía de Luis Fueyo MacDonald