
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment May 2021

Volume 2 Issue 5, May 2021 Successful discovery and operation of geothermal resources requires a thorough understanding of the heterogeneous geological subsurface. This Review discusses the key geological factors that contribute to the effective exploration of intermediate- to high-temperature geothermal resources used for power generation and direct use applications. See…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Denmark allocates €1.1bn for energy transition 3 May 2021 Denmark has submitted its DKK11.6bn (€1.9bn) recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission as part of the Next Generation EU, a €750bn temporary recovery instrument (2021-2027) aimed at addressing the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more…


Xiye Bastida en la Cumbre del Premio Nobel  «We have been blinded by greed and power. It is time to strive for peace, and it is time to define peace.»«Nos hemos dejado cegar por la avaricia y el poder. Es momento de luchar por la paz y hora de definir la paz»  Xiye Bastida, joven de 19…


Actualidad científica

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 30 abril, 2021 Infecciones bacterianas Moléculas termosensibles permiten a las bacterias evadir al sistema inmunitario Marta Pulido Salgado En respuesta a la fiebre, los microorganismos activan mecanismos de protección frente a la acción de defensa del organismo. EVOLUCIÓN Los colores de advertencia de los animales…


Nature energy

Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2021 Making contacts The power conversion efficiency of mainstream silicon photovoltaics is expected to saturate at 24% yet the use of charge-selective contacts that also minimize charge recombination could enable further improvements. Towards that aim, Richter et al. demonstrate a 26.0%-efficient solar cell by redesigning…


Mensaje de Xiye Bastida en Cumbre Climática

22 de abril 2021 – Reforma Joven activista mexicana de «Fridays For Future» presenta contundente mensaje en la Cumbre Climática convocada por Joe Biden, presidente de los Estados Unidos. Ver el video aquí Originaria de San Pedro Tultepec, una comunidad del municipio de Lerma, en el Estado de México,…


Nature Sustainability Alert – April 2021

Sustainable Solutions for Pollution Control | April 28 Pollution is a threat globally but most of the impacts are local and away from the source making policy solutions hard to implement. Join global researchers for a virtual conference discussing the latest research in pollution control and potential solutions. Register now…


Nature Reviews Earth & Environment April 2021

Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2021 Estimates of global dryland changes are often conflicting. This Review discusses and quantifies observed and projected aridity changes, revealing divergent responses between atmospheric and ecohydrological metrics owing to plant physiological responses to elevated CO2. See Lian et al. Image: Felix Cesare / Getty Images….


Daily Energy News

Energy & Climate Markets The 1.4 GW NordLink interconnector (Norway-Germany) is commissioned 14 Apr 2021 The German and Norwegian power transmission system operators (TSOs) TenneT and Statnett have fully commissioned the 1.4 GW NordLink interconnector between Germany and Norway. The €1.5-2bn interconnection project comprises a bipolar high-voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea interconnector, which…


A radical rethink of resilience and development

Development can be redefined as a co-evolutionary process of social and ecological interdependence  A focus on short term economic goals which ignore social-ecological interdependencies fails to deliver development outcomes. A new perspective offers a radical alternative Story highlights Development projects, programs and policies struggle to account for the social-ecological interdependencies…


Transitions et énergies

«Es más fácil desintegrar un átomo que un prejuicio», Albert Einstein Hidrógeno: la revolución que se avecina 9 avril 2021 –  2 minutes de lecture Transports, rien ne sera plus comme avant Le nouveau numéro de Transitions & Energies vient de paraitre. Titré, «Energie et Transport, la révolution qui…


Nature Ecology & Evolution, April 2021

Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2021 Tundra traits Diapensia lapponica on an exposed, windy ridge at Ammalortup Nunaa, Greenland. Microclimate and soil chemistry shape plant communities across Arctic and Antarctic tundra. Variation in local environmental conditions heavily influences both structural and leaf economic traits. These trait–environment relationships are generalizable across…


Enerdata Newsletter, March 2021

Public webinar – Decarbonisation of the European transport sector – 13/04/2021 10AM CET Enerdata experts will be presenting a selection of key indicators related to the four levers of the decarbonisation of transport (energy efficiency, fuel substitution, modal shift, transport demand) and identify best practices among European countries in these…


Communications Earth & Environment Content: 29 March 2021

Table of Contents: March 2021 Article | 26 March 2021 Environmentally persistent free radicals are ubiquitous in wildfire charcoals and remain stable for years Gabriel Sigmund, Cristina Santín, Marc Pignitter, Nathalie Tepe, Stefan H. Doerr et al. Communications Earth & Environment 2 , Article number: 68 |  doi: 10.1038/s43247-021-00138-2 Article |…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Pakistan plans to privatise 10 power distribution companies 29 Mar 2021 The Privatisation Commission (PC) of Pakistan plans to privatise 10 power distribution companies, including electricity supply companies of Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Sukkur and tribal areas. The PC expects the private sector to…


Carta de la Tierra

  La Carta de la Tierra  La Carta de la Tierra es una declaración internacional de valores y principios fundamentales para construir una sociedad global justa, sostenible y pacífica en el siglo XXI. Formulada mediante un proceso de consulta global y respaldada por organizaciones que representan a millones de…