
Conabio 30 años

La Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad cumple treinta años de contribuir al conocimiento y la conservación del patrimonio natural y cultural de México Celebración desde El Colegio Nacional, jueves 5 de mayo 2022 Se llevó a cabo la mesa conmemorativa por el 30 aniversario de la…


Enerdata 360° Newsletter — April 2022

Exclusive interview –  Capturing business opportunities in emerging power system flexibility services Alain Malot, a senior expert of flexibility, with over 30 years of experience in the utility industry, shared with us his analyses on how to capture business opportunities in emerging power system flexibility services. Read the expert interview Company news…


Actualidad científica, abril

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 27 de abril, 2022 Medicina Un desequilibrio entre virus dañinos y beneficiosos podría desencadenar enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales Esther Samper Los pacientes con estas dolencias poseen una población de virus alterada en sus intestinos, que provocan inflamación y daños en la superficie intestinal de ratones. Obesidad…


International Society for Ecological Economics

International Society for Ecological Economics The Weekly Bulletin for 6 April 2022 News Postdoctoral position at BC3 (Spain) Water management and governance under uncertainty The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for a postdoc (2 year contract) to carry out participatory research on the topic of water management…


El presidencialismo antiambiental

Enrique Provencio Durazo, México Social, 1º de abril 2022 La respuesta fue primero y antes que nada la descalificación: los llamó seudoambientalistas, con lo que de entrada se arrogó la potestad de decidir quien puede nombrarse protector ambiental y quien no. De inmediato, el 25 de marzo, la SEMARNAT replicó…


ISEE Weekly Bulletin

Learn More News ¡3er TALLER DE ECOLOGÍA POLÍTICA CON VÍCTOR M. TOLEDO: ECOLOGÍA POLÍTICA, RESILIENCIA Y ARTE! ¡INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS! ¡CUPO LIMITADO! SINOPSIS: Hoy la humanidad se encuentra en “estado de alerta” amenazada por dos procesos: uno microscópico (la pandemia del COVID 19) y otro macroscópico (la crisis ambiental cuya mayor…


CONFERENCES: A world of energy revolutions

The meaning of “energy mix transition” evolved all along the 19th and 20th centuries. First, it was about increasing coal, oil, and natural gas volumes. Then the hopes were in the nuclear energy. Now the key is the energy decarbonisation through renewables. However, it opens to new uncertainties: will the…


News Bulletin for ISEE

Live Debate Controversies about the interpretation of limits and scarcity.  Join us! We look forward to meeting with you! Call for Papers for a Special Issue in the Journal, Ecological Economics Deforestation-free trade: Global governance challenges and socio-environmental implications in producing countries Justification Intensification of deforestation in tropical countries associated…


Solidaridad y reconocimiento a Julia Carabias

EL CENTRO INTERDISCIPLINARIO DE BIODIVERSIDAD Y AMBIENTE, Asociación Civil (CeIBA A.C.), expresa su solidaridad y reconocimiento a Julia Carabias y hace un llamado al gobierno federal para la creación de un entorno propicio a la participación pública y la defensa del medio ambiente en México Rechazamos contundentemente las declaraciones realizadas…


Respuesta de Julia Carabias sobre el caso CALICA

El caso Calizas Industriales del Carmen, S. A. de C. V. Julia Carabias Lillo, 5 de febrero 2022 El día 1° de febrero, en la conferencia de prensa matutina, el presidente López Obrador se refirió a la autorización que otorgó el 30 de noviembre de 2000 la Secretaría de Medio…


ENER DATA 360, Enero 2022

Exclusive Webinar – Are power generation companies’ actions aligned with the Paris Agreement? – February 1st, 11:00 AM CET The largest power generation companies in the world have an impact on climate change. Indeed, plans to diversify the mix significantly modify the share of carbon-free energy in the final electricity consumption. Those strategies are key…


Communications earth & environment

Featured Strategic Forest Reserves can protect biodiversity in the western United States and mitigate climate change Strategic forest reserves based on biodiversity and carbon storage can help to protect animal and tree species habitat, surface drinking water and carbon stocks and accumulation in the western US, suggests an assessment of…


CeIBA ante medidas regresivas adoptadas por el Ejecutivo Federal

Ciudad de México, 17 de diciembre 2021. CeIBA expresa su preocupación y alerta sobre las medidas regresivas adoptadas por el Ejecutivo Federal y propuestas por el Congreso de la Unión que debilitan la institucionalidad del sector ambiental federal y desconocen el sistema jurídico internacional e interno para la protección del…


Nature energy, december 2021

Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2021 From coin cells to battery packs It is challenging to develop a new and promising energy material and even harder to upscale the material for practical applications. Sung et al. report the synthesis of sub-nanometre-sized silicon-based electrodes that display high performances in lab coin-sized…


Enerdata 360° Newsletter — December 2021

Executive Brief –  The various hydrogen storage technologies The growing energy needs and the climate challenge call for a massive development of renewable energy sources. At this point, large scale electricity storage solutions hardly handle this growing renewable energy fluctuation. This is the reason why new technologies need to be explored, and hydrogen is foreseen as a promising vector for storing…


Nature sustainability, December 2021

Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2021 Future coastal hardening The world’s coasts are increasingly covered with built structures, such as piers and seawalls. Using New Zealand as a case study, Floerl and colleagues find that coastal infrastructure has replaced more than half of the coastline of 30 urban centres worldwide…



THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS < ISEE Elections News The Election for the ISEE Board 2022 will be launched on Friday, December 17. The election process will be open for ten days, and only members of ISEE can vote. If your membership has lapsed, do please renew on our…


Nature ecology & evolution

Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2021 Armoured ankylosaur The holotype specimen of the armoured dinosaur Spicomellus afer. Spicomellus (pictured here) is the earliest ankylosaur so far described and the first from Africa. The specimen comprises spikes directly fused to the animal’s ribs, a morphology unique to this species. See Maidment…


Nature reviews earth & environment, december 2021

Volume 2 Issue 12, December 2021 Mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows have historically been lost or degraded, threatening their ability to store carbon and provide ecosystem services. This Review details the global potential of blue carbon ecosystem protection and restoration in climate change mitigation, through carbon sequestration and co-benefit…