
Enerdata Newsletter, October 2022

Webinar Replay –  Forecast to 2030 of green hydrogen production Our Clean Technologies experts have pictured the current production of the electrolyser manufacturers and their future projects worldwide. They unveiled the result of this bottom-up study through an exclusive webinar, covering the global key players in the green H2 production. Watch the replay Publication –…


Actualidad científica, septiembre 2022

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 29 de septiembre, 2022 Medicina Una terapia con células modificadas genéticamente logra la remisión del lupus Esther Samper Los 5 participantes de un ensayo clínico, que no respondían a las terapias habituales, dejaron de sufrir daños por esta enfermedad autoinmunitaria. Conservación Disminuye la caza furtiva…


Enerdata Newsletter, September 2022

Annual report –  Global Energy & Climate Trends 2022 The 2022 edition of our Global Energy and Climate Trends report is online. It presents 2020 & 2021 data benchmarks, a detailed analysis of the European gas crisis and the future consequences, and an exclusive interview with Pr. Manfred Hafner. Download the report…


International Society for Ecological Economics

ISEE News   Economies for life: Alliances for practicing ecological economics in a world in transition The 17th conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics will take place in Colombia from 23-24th October 2023 in Bogotá (an event or series of events targeting policy makers), and 26-28th October 2023 in…


Actualidad científica agosto

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 30 de agosto, 2022 EVOLUCIÓN HUMANA Un fémur de 7 millones de antigüedad indica que los primeros homininos eran bípedos Ewen Callaway La descripción del fósil, perteneciente a Sahelanthropus tchadensis, llega dos décadas después de ser descubierto. Biología Crean los embriones sintéticos de ratón más…


Ante la salida del Dr. Sarukhán de la Conabio

Pronunciamiento de la Junta Directiva del Centro Interdisciplinario de Biodiversidad y Ambiente, A. C. México, viernes 26 de agosto 2022. Desde la Junta Directiva del Centro Interdisciplinario de Biodiversidad y Ambiente (CeIBA) expresamos nuestro mayor agradecimiento y reconocimiento, así como nuestro profundo respeto al Doctor José Sarukhán y al equipo…


International Society for Ecological Economics, agosto

Invitation   Sustainable Welfare & Eco-social Policy Network Are you a scholar interested in eco-social policies and sustainable welfare? Join the Sustainable Welfare & Eco-social Policy Network for an online open kick-off meeting on Monday, 19th September, 2-4 pm (CET).  The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for exchange, with the ultimate aim to merge…


International Society for Ecological Economics

Resource Highlights   Resources The ISEE is curating a list of educational resources for your use. These include multi-faceted resources, podcasts, videos, and written material.  Educational Resources   Recent Books The list of recent books is updated regularly. Check them out today.  Book Resources   YouTube Visit the ISEE YouTube…


International Society for Ecological Economics

News Wageningen University & Research Vacancy PhD POSITION Nature-based transitions: socio-economic and legal solutions for climate-robust, sustainable and productive sandy-soil landscapes Are you passionate about Dutch landscapes, and especially how we can safeguard their sustainability in the future? Are you a social scientist with a strong interest in how we can…


International Society for Ecological Economics

News Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2022 21-27 August 2022 at St Hilda’s College! The course will cover the intellectual roots of ecological economics, a systemic vision of ecology-environment interactions, industrial ecology ad circular economy, multidimensional assessment of progress, climate change and renewable energy, ecosystems and biodiversity and smart... 0

International Society for Ecological Economics

News Ecological Economics for all Summer Crash Course 2022 This short course was a huge success. Thank you to all of our speakers and our participants.  Why do we Need a Socio-ecological Paradigm Shift in Economics with Jon Erickson & Bengi Akbulut. Rigo Melgard is the moderator. The Biophysical and…


International Society for Ecological Economics

Last Call ESA+CSEE Early Bird Registration Early-bird registration for the world’s largest gathering of ecologists, the 2022 ESA+CSEE Annual Meeting in Montréal, is still open, but only until July 7. Register now and save! Remember: ESA members always save the most! Register Today Ecological Economics for all Summer Crash Course…


Contravienen la legislación ambiental las nuevas Reglas de Operación del programa «Sembrando Vida»

4 de julio 2022 El Centro Interdisciplinario de Biodiversidad y Ambiente (CeIBA A.C) es una Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro, dedicada al análisis de los problemas relacionados con el medio ambiente y el bienestar humano, que mantiene un diálogo con todos los actores de la sociedad y promueve lineamientos de…


International Society for Ecological Economics

News Scientists’ Call for MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary   This open letter is an emergency call for humanity to recognize the severe and complex conditions of the Arctic Ocean which threaten the health of the entire world. We stand in solidarity to establish the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary…


2ª reunión del GTCCTE

Minuta Presentes Adrián Fernández Bremauntz, Fernando Tudela Abad, Ramón Carlos Torres Flores y Germán González Dávila. Orden del día 1. Actividades a realizar Habida cuenta que los actuales funcionarios indican que presentarán nuevos Compromisos Nacionalmente Determinados (NDC) este año 2022, Adrián propone que el GT vea cómo hacer el seguimiento….


ISEE Bulletin

Upcoming Events Limits to Growth +50: Can economies keep growing indefinitely on a finite planet? On the 50th anniversary of the publication of Limits to Growth, co-author of the iconic report Jørgen Randers joins an expert panel to discuss its implications in the face of accelerating climate crises. 10 June in…


Enerdata 360° Newsletter — May 2022

Executive brief –  Energy crisis: opportunity or threat for EU energy transition? The consequences of recent crises (Covid-19, surge in gas and electricity prices in 2021, Ukrainian situation in 2022) on the EU’s energy transition are quite diverse. To which extent may the EU’s energy transition be affected? Which structural trends and cyclical…


Actualidad científica, Mayo 2022

Actualidad científica: Del 1 al 31 de mayo, 2022 Vida extraterrestre Un nuevo mensaje para destinatarios extraterrestres Daniel Oberhaus La misiva «Faro de la Galaxia» constituye un nuevo intento de enviar al espacio una transmisión comprensible para una hipotética inteligencia alienígena. Sostenibilidad La corta vida de los metales Freda Kreier…


International Society for Ecological Economics

News Doing Ecological Economics 11 May at 16h CET This webinar will explore to what extent ecological economics principles are currently integrated into carbon policies and management, and in particular how the design of mechanisms, such as carbon pricing and taxing, can draw on these principles. The webinar will discuss…