
Nature Sustainability October 2020

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2020 Dust and infant mortality Air pollution impacts health globally, but studying this effect is challenging because economic development worsens pollution while bettering health. Burke and colleagues focus on the health effects of distant Saharan dust, unlinked from economic activity, and find that it leads…


Nature Energy Octuber 2020

Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2020 Polymer collector passes current Current collectors are needed to support electrodes and collect electrical energy from them in Li-ion batteries, however they do not contribute to the battery’s energy output. Cui et al. report a polymer-based current collector that not only makes batteries store…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Ethiopia plans to unbundle state-owned Ethiopian Electric Power 14 Oct 2020 The Ethiopian government is considering unbundling the national power utility Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), by separating transmission and generation activities to ensure an equal access of independent power producers (IPPs) to the grid. EEP has an installed…


No a la desaparición del Fondo de Cambio Climático

Vo. Bo. Asesores Integrales S. C., 10 de octubre 2020.   IMPORTANCIA DEL FONDO PARA EL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO PARA LA POLÍTICA NACIONAL EN LA MATERIA [1] México fue el primer país en desarrollo en expedir una legislación nacional en materia de cambio climático, al aprobar, en 2012, la Ley General…


Nature reviews earth & environment, octubre 2020

Volume 1 Issue 10, October 2020 Vegetation fires are integral to some ecosystems, but can be economically and environmentally destructive. This Review discusses contemporary and future fire regimes, adaptation to fire in the Anthropocene and the need for increased transdisciplinary research to achieve better fire management. See Bowman et al….


Daily Energy News

Companies Brazil’s Supreme Court authorises Petrobras to sell 8 refineries 6 Oct 2020 The Federal Supreme Court of Justice, which is Brazil’s highest appellate court for non-constitutional questions of federal law, has authorised the Brazilian national oil and gas company Petrobras to create subsidiaries to sell 8 refineries, accounting for…


ECOS de la Naturaleza #30

Diversidad de maíces en México ¡Celebremos nuestros maíces! 5 años de Mosaico Natura México Nuevo protocolo de monitoreo marino #SabrososSanosSustentables Naturalista destacado Calendario de eventos Compartir ¡Celebremos nuestros maíces! El 29 de septiembre se celebra el Día Nacional del Maíz, pero durante todo el año, los mexicanos día a día…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory The Nigerian president proposes a new Petroleum Industry Bill 30 Sep 2020 The Nigerian president has submitted a new Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) to the National Assembly. The bill proposes to transform the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) into a limited company that would be incorporated by the Ministry…


Nature Climate Change October 2020

Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2020 Declining waterbird abundance in the tropics Gaps in geographic coverage of species abundance data, especially in the tropics, makes determining species’ responses to climate change difficult. Writing in this issue of Nature Climate Change, Tatsuya Amano et al. analyse 1.3 million records of 390…


Energía, fuentes renovables y sustentabilidad

GLOCALFILIA  ||  Derecho Ambiental y Ecología  ||  agosto 2020   Qué es la energía Coloquialmente decimos que tenemos mucha energía o poca energía. Con lo cual queremos decir que nos sentimos capaces de hacer muchas o pocas cosas. En física, el concepto de energía es la capacidad de realizar un trabajo (la…


Communications Earth & Environment Content: 28 September 2020

Browse Articles Article Type ​ Year ​ Article 23 September 2020 | Open Access Latest Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation amplified by intensified Atlantic meridional overturning circulation Active overturning in the Nordic seas and strong Atlantic circulation coincided with enhanced glaciation in the… Tatsuya Hayashi Toshiro Yamanaka […] Masao Ohno Article…


Nature Energy September 2020

olume 5 Issue 9, September 2020 Road to recovery Recovery in fuel demand after the COVID-19 slowdown continues to depend on healthcare and economic indicators, and shows extreme uncertainty. Ou et al. combine healthcare scenarios and cellphone mobility data in a machine-learning model to predict short-term gasoline demand in the…


Daily Energy News

Companies Spain’s Iberdrola enters the Japanese offshore wind market 18 Sep 2020 The Spanish energy group Iberdrola has entered into an agreement with Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG) to enter the Japanese offshore wind market by acquiring the Japanese renewable project developer Acacia Renewables. The Japanese company currently has two offshore…