
Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory European Commission approves €30bn SDE++ Dutch renewable support scheme 16 Dec 2020 The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the €30bn Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie ("SDE++") scheme to support projects to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Netherlands. The scheme, which will run until 2025, will…


Enerdata 360° Newsletter — December 2020

Upcoming webinar – Energy and Climate Challenges: closing 2020 and key 2021 issues – 17th & 18th December 2020 – Enerdata and Climate Transparency As countries gradually revise their NDCs to target more ambitious emissions reductions, Enerdata and Climate Transparency analyse current mitigation trajectories, and how the current Covid19 pandemic…


Nature Sustainability Alert – December 2020

Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2020 Pesticides and bird diversity Neonicotinoid pesticides are used widely, raising concerns about effects on organisms besides pests. Khanna and colleagues find that increased neonicotinoid use in the continental United States has reduced bird diversity, especially that of grassland and insectivorous birds. See Li et…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Brazil pledges to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 11 Dec 2020 Brazil, which has updated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. The new target could be brought forward if developed countries transfer US$10bn/year to Brazilian projects starting in 2021, through the…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory UK Ofgem unveils a €44bn green investment plan for 2021-2026 10 Dec 2020 The UK energy regulator has approved a £40bn (€44.3bn) investment plan for 2021-2026, which seeks to improve the country’s gas and electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure and to deliver emissions-free green energy. Compared to a…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory Australia will not use Kyoto GHG emissions credits to meet 2030 target 9 Dec 2020 Australia has abandoned its plan to use Kyoto carryover credit to achieve its remissions reduction targets. The country received carryover credits as Australia exceeded its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target for the…


Nature reviews earth & environment, December

Volume 1 Issue 12, December 2020 Wind energy production has increased in recent years to mitigate climate change. However, climate change may itself modify wind energy resources. This Review discusses the climatic mechanisms influencing current and future wind energy production, finding spatial variability in projected responses and a dominance of…


Nature ecology & evolution, December 2020

Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2020 Wing origins Wild-type (left) and CRISPR/Cas9-induced vestigial mutant (right) of the emerging model crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. The vestigial mutant lacks both the edge of the dorsal body wall and structures associated with proximal leg segments, suggesting that both of these tissues qualify as crustacean…


Communications earth & environment

Article | 27 November 2020 | Open Access Accelerating land cover change in West Africa over four decades as population pressure increased Land cover change has accelerated in West Africa between 1975 and 2013 as human-dominated land area more than… Stefanie M. Herrmann Martin Brandt Rasmus Fensholt Article 25 November…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory UK issues amendments to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme 25 Nov 2020 The government of the United Kingdom has issued amendments to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme for the fourth Allocation Round (AR4) planned for late 2021, as a result of a public consultation issued in March 2020. The CfD…


Daily Energy News

Policy & Regulatory The French National Assembly approves FiT cuts for 3.6 GW of PV projects 17 Nov 2020 The French National Assembly has approved a retroactive cut in feed-in tariffs (FiTs) granted to large photovoltaic (PV) projects – with capacities exceeding 250 kW – between 2006 and 2010, considering that those tariffs…


Nature Climate Change November 2020

Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2020 Flowing in the wrong direction Many marine species have migrated towards the poles as water temperatures warm. In this issue, Heidi Fuchs and colleagues show that, in contrast, benthic invertebrates on the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf are pushed into warmer waters due to changes…